Part 2 - Notebooks on Radarmeteorology
The Notebooks are provided via this git repository .
Generally we use the JupyterHub available at the institute
Using this resource all data is available from the intranet.
If you want to play with the notebooks from another location you would need to follow the actions below.
To run the notebooks you need Python and the necessary packages and dependencies.
Installing Dependencies on own hardware
For linux and macOSX `bash`-shell is mandatory. For windows please refer to the available conda-documentation.
- Install miniconda for your operating system.
- Add conda-forge to your conda channels and add `strict` channel priority.
(base) $ conda config --add channels conda-forge
(base) $ conda config --set channel_priority strict
- Create a new conda environment
containing all needed packages
$ conda create -n radarmet python=3.9
- Activate your new environment and install the other dependencies.
Please note that wradlib is one main source of the used radar algorithms.
wradlib itself has quite an extensive set of examples and tutorials.
$ source activate radarmet
(radarmet) $ conda install wradlib jupyter notebook hvplot
Installing Radarmeteorology notebooks
- cd to the parent-folder, where you want to install the radarmeteorology-notebooks.
Then clone the radarmeteorology-repo using the following git clone command:
(radarmet) $ git clone
(radarmet) $ cd radarmeteorology
(radarmet) $ git checkout WS20XY
Obtain Radar Data
We use data available via MIUB intranet.
For the used data in the wradlib-examples you’ll need to install wradlib-data.
Running Notebooks
To run the notebooks one environment variables is needed pointing to the correct folder.
- cd to the notebooks-folder and run the notebook server
(radarmet) $ export WRADLIB_DATA=/path/to/wradlib-data/
(radarmet) $ jupyter notebook