The coarse data of model outputs, which are active data, and external data.
Table of contents
Active data
Numerical models of a dynamical process produce active data. They are given at time steps, and usually make up the lion’s share of the required data. In the benchmark demo test case, there is only one time step available. In lies in the nature of a demo to pre-select the area. The introduction of new data is of course not as restricted. As of June 2018, the only tests with a more complete data set have maintained their shared area.
Multiple year COSMO-DE surface analysis data are available on the local machine:
Their format is Grib.
The domain of COSMO-DE encompasses the part of Central Europe between the the Alps and the North and Baltic Sea. Read_grib1 crops from this a rectangle around the lower Rhine with an area of 2*10^11 m². As read_grib1 is a Fortran subroutine employing ecCodes, the 1st index is 1, not 0 like in NCL. The crop vertices are roughly Frankfurt/Main, Hannover, Amsterdam and Reims, its coordinates in terms of NCL indices are:
1st direction (longitude): 40... 40+160-1 = 40...199
2nd direction (latitude): 151...151+160-1 = 151...310
This is a larger domain than the test data.
Fig. 1: A spatially complete field of an example variable at an example time step from COSMO-DE data.
Fig. 2: The area around the lower Rhine from from the data on the left. The plotted area is the same as there for scale.
Retrieved variables
Table: The variables this project plans to retrieve from COSMO-DE output (in Unicode order) along with their Grib keys
|. name |. German name |. ee |. lvtyp |_. tab |
ALB_RAD | Albedo des Bodens im Kurzwelligen | 84 | 1 | 2 |
ASOB_S | Kurzw. Strahlungsbilanz an der Oberflaeche | 111 | 1 | 2 |
ATHB_S | Langw. Strahlungsbilanz an der Oberflaeche | 112 | 1 | 2 |
PS | Unreduzierter Bodendruck | 1 | 1 | 2 |
T | Temperatur | 11 | 110 | 2 |
TD_2M | 2m-Taupunkt | 17 | 105 | 2 |
TOT_PREC | Gesamtniederschlag | 61 | 1 | 2 |
T_G | Temperatur der Unterlage | 11 | 1 | 2 |
U_10M | Zonaler Wind | 33 | 105 | 2 |
V_10M | Meridionaler Wind | 34 | 105 | 2 |
The table provides an overview of what variables this project chooses from COSMO-DE. A few of them deserve special attention.
Cumulated variables
are not instantaneous variables like the others. Instead the former 2 are averaged over a few preceeding hours and the latter just adds some up.
’ is the name for temperature on layers throughout the atmosphere and showcases multiple layers in its entry.
A property of COSMO-DE is that the surface pressure PS
is a diagnostic variable. Pressure prognosis is prepared on the pressure of the lowest model layer, as well as further layers.
Active test data
Test data for the downscaling code are available within the downscale source code. Their format is NetCDF:
Fig. 3: A spatiotemporally complete field of an example variable from the test data. The plotted area could just house the COSMO-DE domain.
are reserved for alternative layers, results from interpolations, which COSMO does not (actively) use.